Thursday, April 6

oh, drudgery

Practice practice practice

so many grownups think they can't draw.

that's ridiculous. if you can write your name, well you're drawing letters, aren't you?
you wouldn't expect to sit down at a piano and play Beethoven flawlessly on your first try, would you? it's all about practice.

i think it happens early in school. someone (probably someone who doodles alot while the teacher is talking) gets tagged as "the artist" and all around the classroom, the other kids start to think that means they're not artists too.

i remember my band teacher used to talk about the hidden messages in what people say.
example: "Your hair looks so nice today!" (implies it has never looked nice before . . .)

Think about it -
do you ever tell yourself you're not good at drawing? singing? whatever?
think too, about the hidden messages children hear. ("my brother's good at drawing." "I'm the athletic one.") . . .

creating something is such a wonderful feeling. no one should feel they cannot do it.
and if you do it often enough, you'll get good, and people will start to tag you . . . .


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